Cfp Symposium "Security, Intervention and Humanitarianism: The political and moral challenges of the 21st Century"


17-18 November 2016, Barcelona
Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)

The symposium explores the relationship between security, intervention and humanitarianism. Four themes would be particularly prominent. Firstly, the way a myriad of issues have come to be designated as a security issue; secondly, how intervention, under different forms, has been a predominant way of addressing these issues; thirdly, the role that moral arguments, and humanitarianism in particular, have played in shaping those interventions; and finally, the political and moral consequences of the way security, intervention and humanitarianism are understood and enacted from different actors (states, international organisations, non-state actors and even individuals). The symposium would also like to go beyond the philosophical/practitioner divide and join efforts in reflecting about what it means and what it should mean to pursue security.

The symposium thus welcomes contributions that are made from a theoretical as well as from an empirical perspective across disciplines.

Participants are encouraged to reflect on the following questions: Is ‘security’ another name for the political, social and economic problems the world currently faces? What type of interventions
do these require? What should humanitarianism mean in addressing these challenges? Is there a North/South divide in addressing these problems? What about a government/citizens divide? Has the world become more insecure as a result of the interventions undertaken to address security issues?

If you would like to participate please send a 200- word abstract with your name and a two-line bio to: Marta Iñiguez de Heredia.

Deadline April 15, 2016

All proposals will undergo peer review and notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 16 May. Full papers will be expected by 15 October 2016 for circulation among participants.