CES Newsletter - October & November 2012
Executive Committee Approves New Registration Rules for 20th International Conference of Europeanists
June 25-27, 2013 • Amsterdam, The Netherlands
All persons scheduled to participate in the 20th International Conference of Europeanists will be required to register by May 13, 2013. This requirement has been newly instituted by the CES Executive Committee to reduce no shows and late withdrawals. The number of no shows and late withdrawals, although negligible for most of the Council's history, has been rising in recent years. So, to ensure a stimulating and productive experience for all, those scheduled to present, chair, and/or serve as a discussant must register by Mary 13, 2013. Participants who fail to do so will not appear in the printed conference program.
Those who wish to attend the conference, but are not scheduled to appear on the program may register at any point, including on-site, during the conference. However, checks will not be accepted in payment of registration fees after June 3, 2013. (After that date registrants may still pay by cash, credit or debit card, wire transfer or Paypal.) To register, visit our website.
Reserve a hotel room - Room reservations at the four CES conference hotels may now be made on the Council's website.
Reserve advertising or exhibit space - Program advertising and conference exhibit space is available for the 2013 CES conference.
Knowing our History: An Interview with Stephen Blank, first CES Executive Director
To better understand our past and the role CES has played in the development of European Studies, we have begun an oral history project. As part of this project, CES staff and volunteers will interview notable participants in the Council's history and share interview clips on our website.
Our first interview, conducted this summer, was with Stephen Blank, first Executive Director of the Council. Visit our website and hear what Dr. Blank has to say about the founding of CES and the creation of the Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship
Call for Applications
Mellon-CES Dissertation Completion Fellowships in European Studies
The Council for European Studies invites eligible graduate students to apply for its 2013 Mellon-CES Dissertation Completion Fellowships, sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Each fellowship includes a $25,000 grant, as well as assistance in securing reimbursements or waivers for up to $3,500 in eligible health insurance and candidacy fees. The Fellowship also provides travel support for presenting at the CES International Conference, and the opportunity to publish in Perspectives on Europe, a semi-annual journal of the Council for European Studies as well as other valuable professional development opportunities.
Deadline: February 4, 2013. Apply now.
Call for Applications
Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowships
The Council for European Studies invites eligible graduate students to apply for its 2013 CES Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowships. Each fellowship includes a $4,000 grant, travel support for presenting at the CES International Conference, and the opportunity to publish in Perspectives on Europe, a semi-annual journal of the Council for European Studies.
Deadline: February 1, 2013. Apply now.
Executive Committee Approves Dues Increase for Institutional Members -- First in Six Years
The CES Executive Committee has voted to increase dues for institutional members of the Council's Academic Consortium. The decision, which will go into effect on May 1, 2013, will raise the standard annual institutional member rate by 10%, from $450 to $495. This increase is the first in six years and is intended to make sure that rates keep pace with inflation. The change affects institutional memberships only. No change to the individual membership rate (last changed in 2010) is currently contemplated. Institutional members may lock in current rates by renewing now for up to three years.
2014 Program Committee Co-Chairs Named
Kathleen McNamara of Georgetown University and Elizabeth Dunn of the University of Colorado at Boulder have agreed to co-chair the 2014 CES Conference Program Committee. The 2014 CES conference will take place in Washington, D.C. For more details, visit our website.
Hurricane Sandy
The Council's offices are located in NYC and have come through the recent storm, Hurricane Sandy, unscathed. However, among our staff, consultants, vendors, and volunteers many have not been so lucky. Our best wishes go out to them and their families as they stabilize and rebuild.
CES Consortium News
Barnett Professorship for Social Policy open at St. Cross College Oxford. Due: Nov 19 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeks curator of rare books & manuscripts Due: Nov 20
Columbia University's Italian Academy offers 3 post-doc fellowships. Due: Dec 3
Post-doc fellowships on "socialism & post-socialism" available at Pembroke Center for Teaching & Research on Women. Due: Dec 7
UMass Amherst seeks tenure-track Asst Professor of Islamic Philosophy & Political Thought. Due: Dec 7
NYU seeks faculty focusing on 18th & 19th century European Art. Rank open. Due: Dec 15
From our Friends
CfP: 11th Annual International Conference of Politics & International Affairs in Athens, Greece. Due: Nov 19
“Doing Law Beyond the State: Research Methodologies in Comparative, EU and Public and Private International Law” workshop at the University of Sheffield. Early Reg Due: Nov 23
Four post-docs in globalization offered at the University of Gothenburg. Due: Nov 26
Fellowship in Holocaust Studies available in Washington, D.C. Due: Nov 30
CfP: “Communication in the City: Voices, Spaces, Media” conference at the University of Leeds. Due: Nov 30
CfP: “Nationalism and Revolution,” the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism. Due: Nov 30
Three junior fellowships for historians of Eastern Europe available at Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena in Germany. Due: Nov 30
Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies seeks applicants for its Berlin Program Fellowships. Due: Dec 1