CEPS/INSTEAD is recruiting the Head of its Department "Living Conditions"

Réf LCHD-13-10

Full time, 40 hrs/week

CEPS/INSTEAD seeks candidates, social policy specialists or social scientists, who are able to embody and convey a state of the art research agenda in the field of Social Policy as well as a strong commitment to evidence based policy advice. The deadline for applications is November 30, 2013.


CEPS/INSTEAD is a publicly funded research institute located in Luxembourg and devoted to applied empirical research in economic, social and spatial sciences.

Interdisciplinarity is a key element for stimulating scientific innovation. The institute attracts top researchers from all over the world and high-level student training is a vivid part of the institute's activities. CEPS/INSTEAD is well connected to the University of Luxembourg, and also to other universities in the cross-border neighborhood. It is an integral part of the fast growing research environment of the Cité des Sciences on the new Belval campus in the south of the country.

Based on its scientific expertise and high academic reputation, the institute addresses current and future societal challenges and provides relevant and independent policy advice both on the national and on the European level. The scientific output is not only regularly published in high profile peer reviewed journals and books, but also in form of popular articles reaching a wider audience. The department "Living Conditions"  is one out of currently three research departments, which are supported by a number of transversal coordinating units. The institute staff consists of about 120 employees, 80 of them researchers from the fields of economics, sociology, political sciences and geography (see http://www.ceps.lu).

About the department:

The department "Living Conditions" is focusing on empirical research on household income, inequality, poverty, and social inclusion. Special interest is given to wealth over the life-cycle, from childhood, over youth, and family stage to the retirement age. Evaluation of the impact of educational policy, family policy, health policy and social policy in general on living conditions is also an integral part of the research agenda.

The department strongly benefits from privileged access to administrative data covering individual employment records and individual unemployment records of all employees of the country, which may be linked to firm data, individual health data and more. The Greater region of Luxembourg also provides an interesting research subject, because of a clash of different institutional settings within a small distance, which can be used for identifying relevant drivers for individual behavior as well as firm behavior.

About the position:

The candidate will provide the leadership and vision to foster an integrated culture for a multidisciplinary institute.

Specific duties and responsibilities include:

1. provision of intellectual and philosophical leadership to staff and students for synergistic academic, research and policy related work;

2. supervision and management of contracted research;

3. participation in the management board of the institute headed by the director;

4. active support of reporting duties with regard to funding bodies;

5. management and coordination of the department's human resources;

6. representation of the institute to state and federal agencies, prívate organizations, partners and collaborators; and

7. provision of leadership for continued acquisition of internal and external resources to enhance departmental programs.

The position requires a Ph.D. in economics or social sciences with a record of distinction in research in the field of social policies . The position also requires demonstrated effective leadership and management of multidisciplinary programs. The candidate must possess outstanding leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills, as well as have demonstrated success in communicating effectively with diverse clientele and stakeholders. The candidate must exhibit the ability to promote the department and increase its national and international reputation.

The candidate will be hired based on a permanent contract as a senior researcher. The position of the department head is mandated to a five years period. The mandate can be repeatedly extended for another five years. The salary offered is highly competitive according to the high Luxembourg standards. Taking the mandate of the department head is accordingly compensated by an extra remuneration.

About the Community:

The institute is located on the new Belval campus in the south of Luxembourg, which combines the University of Luxembourg and a substantial part of the country's publicly funded research facilities. The "Cité des Sciences" is a unique and outstanding academic enterprise in the heart of Europe (see http://wwwen.uni.lu/university/campus_belval).

Luxembourg with its 500,000 inhabitants is one of the wealthiest countries in the world and provides a stimulating mixture of modern culture and tradition. Contemporary urbanity of its capital lies in close vicinity to a rich nature. In addition to excellent health, education and recreational services, the community affords a rich variety of cultural activities typical of a major university environment, including museums, music, art and theatre. The country is about to become a five language nation. Besides the official languages French, German and Letzebuergisch, English and Portuguese are frequently spoken. The working languages at the institute are French and/or English.

Application Process:

Applicants should provide the following:

1. a letter of application;

2. a curriculum vitae;

3. a brief description of administrative philosophy and goals for the department, specifically addressing the ability to foster academic research and extension programs across multiple disciplines;

4. a job market paper;

5. three references.

The deadline for applications is November 30, 2013.

Candidates should be ready to present themselves for interviews at the ASSA meeting 2014 in Philadelphia. http://www.aeaweb.org/Annual_Meeting/index.php

Send queries and applications via e-mail to: valerie.baran@ceps.lu


Human Resources

Attn: Ms. Valérie Baran

3, avenue de la Fonte. L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette. Luxembourg

CEPS/INSTEAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer


3, Avenue de la Fonte. L-4364 Esch/Alzette

Tél: +352 58 58 55 517
