Call for submissions: Collect data within the GESIS Panel and submit your proposal!

The GESIS Panel offers the academic social science community a possibility to collect longititudinal and cross-sectional data within a probability-based omnibus access panel free of charge. The panel is representative for the German speaking population residing in Germany and aged between 18 and 70 years. Currently it encompasses about 4800 panelists  that are interviewed every two months by online and paper questionnaires. We accept submissions consisting of a proposal and a questionnaire on an ongoing basis.

Find more information about how to submit your proposal on our website:

You want to learn more about how to design a survey? Visit our GESIS Panel Campus Workshops at the GESIS Summer School in August 2014!

In order to foster methodological research and competences in the social science community with regards to methods required for the establishment of online and mixed mode access panels, GESIS Panel Campus supports the GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology.

Registration is still possible for the courses listed below:

Week 1 (August 11-15):

• Course 1: Introduction to Survey Design

• Course 5: Introduction to Web Surveys

Week 2 (August 18-22):

• Course 9: Web Survey Instrument Design

• Course 11: Mixed-Mode Surveys

Week 3 (August 25-29):

• Course 14: Design and Implementation of Longitudinal Surveys

• Course 15: Data Quality and Fieldwork Management

Visit our website to find out more:

Tanja Dannwolf

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Survey Design and Methodology

Gesis Panel

Address: L13, 9; D-68159 Mannheim

Postal Address: PO Box 12 21 55; D-68072 Mannheim

Tel: +49 621 1246562.