Call for postdoctoral fellowship at the School of Economics in São Paulo

Fundação Getulio Vargas – Brasil

Political institutions and public expenditure: assessing the brazilian subnational governments

The Center for Economics and Politics of the Public Sector – CEPESP at the Getulio Vargas Foundation – FGV is searching for candidates for a postdoctoral position to investigate the spatial determinants of electoral results in Brazil. This search is attached to a thematic research project entitled “Political Institutions and Public Expenditure: An Assessment of the Brazilian States” funded by the Sao Paulo Research Agency – FAPESP.

The successful candidate is expected to participate in all aspects of this investigation under the supervision of Professors Ciro Biderman ( and George Avelino ( Specific task will include writing reports, preparing datasets, attending workshops/conferences, and assisting with the preparation of manuscripts publications. The FAPESP post-doc fellowship runs for 12 consecutive months, with a monthly payment of R$ 6.143,40 Reais (free of tax) and, eventually, can be renewed until it reaches a total limit of 48 months.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter clearly stating a preliminary proposal and the curriculum vitae to CEPESP, Rua Itapeva, 286 – 10º andar, São Paulo, SP 01332-000. Applications could also be sent by e-mail to Prof. George Avelino ( The application deadline is September 30, 2014. The selected candidates will be eventually interviewed personally or electronically.

Call [pdf]