Call for papers: State-Market-Family Welfare Relations in Developing Countries; 23rd IPSA

Session CS04 Comparative Politics and Institutions

23rd IPSA World Congress of Political Science, July 19-24 2014, Montreal Canada

Deadline for Abstract/Paper proposals: October 21, 2013 (EXTENDED)

Panel Abstract:

With the arrival of the twenty-first century and the global economic changes, the welfare relationship between the state, the market and the family are changing. That is why their roles on satisfying the needs and social risks of the population have been altered. The traditional family is no longer the rule in globalized countries and the relations between the state-market-family have had to adjust to the current reality and their own needs.

Now, how developing countries have readjusted their social policy with these changes? Is there a readjustment of roles on the welfare relations among the State, Market and Family? Do these processes have strengthened or weakened the development of the welfare state in these regions / countries?

These and other issues are going to be addressed in this panel, among which would be considered: family policy, state design, market role on the welfare state, ideological differences and outcomes between countries and regions. Housing, education, health care, social security among others, are the social risks that could be considered in this panel when analyzing the possible changes in welfare relations.

Papers should develop, ideally, a comparative analysis (or case studies parallel towards developing regions). Theoretical and empirical papers are welcome.

•   To submit an abstract/paper proposal:


2. Select the session CS04 Comparative Politics and Institutions

3. Select the panel: “State-Market-Family Welfare Relations in Developing Countries” from the list of panels accepting paper submissions.

Please visit the website for complete details on the congress and its main themes as well as important deadlines and submission guidelines.

Anyone can submit an abstract. You do not need to be a member of IPSA. In order to submit a panel/abstract, however, you must hold an IPSA online account. You will asked to create an IPSA account when you submit a panel/abstract if you do not already have one.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to present your work to peers, learn from others and meet political scientists from around the world.

For further information please contact Gibrán Cruz-Martínez: ; Manuel Sanchez de Dios