Call For Papers "Reforming Europe" (SFB 884 and ZEW Mannheim)

The Collaborative Research Center – SFB 884 “The Political Economy of Reforms” is hosting a conference on “Reforming Europe” on December 5/6 2013 at the University of Mannheim, together with the Centre for European Economic Research - ZEW Mannheim.

Our society faces great economic and social challenges. There is widespread consensus that reforms are necessary to cope with these challenges. At the level of political decision making, these challenges require sophisticated political reforms, as they have the potential to seriously disturb our economic, political and social order. Yet, reform-making is frequently delayed, compromised, or even aborted due to a lacking consensus. At the individual level, there is growing skepticism regarding biased information about reform making, the unfair distribution of the costs of reforms and the false promises on the effectiveness of political reforms. The following questions may serve as examples for the kind of topics our conference wants to focus on:

-       Labor Market and Health Reforms

-       Financial and Public Sector Reforms

-       Institutional Reforms

The methodological scope of the conference is wide: We equally welcome theoretical contributions and empirical ones. Econometric analyses based on micro-data (such as population surveys, household panels or experiments) are invited as well as macro-data approaches (e.g. country panel analyses). We encourage economists, political scientists and psychologists to contribute.

Paper submission procedure: You are invited to hand in individual proposals for the conference. These should include an extended abstract or, preferably, the full paper. Submissions should be emailed as pdf file to by October 31, 2013.

Acceptance of proposals will be notified by November 15, 2013. Completed papers will be required by November 22, 2013, and will be posted on The website will periodically provide updated information regarding the congress. No conference fee will be charged. We will cover accommodation and travelling expenses for presenters of accepted papers.

We kindly ask you to forward the Call for Papers to any interested scholars in your institutions, associations and networks.

Sincerely, Stephan Solomon

External Relations/ Externe Kommunikation

Sonderforschungsbereich 884 "The Political Economy of Reforms". Universität Mannheim
