Call for papers: Policy-Making in Hard Times

The IBEI (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals) and IC3JM (Instituto Carlos III-Juan March de Ciencias Sociales) are pleased to announce the celebration of an international workshop "Policy-Making in Hard Times: Southern European Countries in a Comparative Perspective" that will take place at the campus of Carlos III University in Madrid on 20-21 November 2014.

The goal of this workshop is to advance the analysis of policy-making processes in Southern European countries, in particular during the recent economic crisis. Our aim is to put Southern European countries on the map regarding the comparative study of public policy in Europe and beyond. To this purpose, this call welcomes paper proposals focusing on empirical and comparative analysis, grounded on the state-of-the-art major theories focused on the study of public policy and their democratic basis.

Paper proposals of no more than 500 words should be submitted to Magdalena Nebreda, secretary of the IC3JM ( ) before April 28st, 2014.

More details about the topics to be covered and the process to apply available in the attached pdf file: CALL FOR PAPERS: Policy-Making in Hard Times: Southern European Countries in a Comparative Perspective