Call for Papers, Panels and Roundtables on Latin America and the Caribbean

10th Pan-European Conference on International Relations (Izmir, 7-10 September 2016)
Desde el Grupo de Estudios sobre América Latina y el Caribe (GEALC/ LAKIT) del Departamento de Derecho Internacional Público, Relaciones Internacionales e Historia del Derecho de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), en colaboración con la Universidad Central de Colombia, organizamos una sección sobre América Latina y el Caribe (ver abstract más abajo) en la próxima conferencia anual de la European International Studies Association (EISA): 10th Pan-European Conference on International Relations: "International Relations in World History", que tendrá lugar en Izmir (Turquía) del 7 al 10 de septiembre de 2016.
El plazo para enviar propuestas de comunicaciones individuales, paneles y mesas redondas está abierto hasta el 8 de enero de 2016. Pueden enviarse a través de la aplicación de EISA

Para cualquier consulta al respecto:;

Section title: “New Horizons and Research Perspectives on Latin America and the Caribbean”.
Abstract: What is changing in LAC? Which new theoretical, methodological and epistemological approaches are arising regarding the International? As a consequence of the emergence of the post-neoliberal governments in Latin America since the beginning of the millennium, the new trends of Social Movements that have also played a key role in transnational activism, and alternative patterns of regional integration, power relations in the region are being transformed and re-examined. More recently, the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and USA has put forward again the international projection gained by LAC in the last fifteen years. IR scholars have identified new patterns and have developed different research perspectives in order to understand these issues. The key aim of the section would be to explore these dynamics and the theoretical approaches being used to explain them. The section would speak directly to the conference theme on the understanding of contemporary international relations, taking into account especially the research agenda from LAC. Moreover, we encourage proposals that tackle the contribution of the study of international relations in Latin America to the wider IR agenda and more generally to the understanding of social relations in world society; also historically oriented contributions that allow the understanding of the evolution of this region as part of the international society. Finally, the section would particularly appeal to multi-disciplinary approaches to the LAC political and socioeconomic context exploring the scope of social relations in the field of IR.