Call for papers. Panel Ethics, Transparency and Integrity: Good Government and Democracy

5th ECPR Graduate Conference – University of Innsbruck 3 - 5 July 2014. Panel Chair: Bernabé Aldeguer Cerdá (University of Alicante - Spain)

The Call for Papers for the Panel Ethics, Transparency and Integrity: Good Government and Democracy is now open. The deadline for submitting a 150 word abstract is 8 January, 2014, sending an e-mail to

The panel aims to present considerations about the importance of public ethic, transparency and integrity management as crucial elements that help to set the standards of democracy and good government beyond electoral mechanisms. The contemporary trends in Public Policy Analysis and Administrative Science highlight the importance of take into account the roll of ethics and integrity as foundations of the quality of democracy. Concretely, these prerequisites of a Good Government are especially important in a context of economic, ethical and institutional crisis, circumstances that require a particular way to manage certain standards of integrity that are linked to a specific leadership, and associated with concrete competences related to the management of risk and citizenship disaffected contexts. The panel includes different theoretical and doctrinal perspectives, as well as practical experiences on institutional and normative ways to manage integrity, transparency and ethics in public administrations in order to strengthen democracy and promote Good Government and the quality of democracy. From both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, the panel will expose the ethical dimension of public policies which must be taken into consideration in order to strengthen democracy and citizenship participation as ways to improve democracy and legitimacy.