Call for papers for the First International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP)

L’Association Française de Science Politique vous informe...
Dear Colleagues,
Over the past thirty years, public policy research has grown as an academic field of study in many countries. Coming from a range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, including political science, public administration, geography, sociology, economics and law among others, this research has helped develop our understanding of the many phenomena related to public policy-making by governments. In order to join together all of the researchers who work on public policy and their different approaches and topics, we invite you to attend the first International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) which will take place at Science Po Grenoble, 26-28 June 2013.
The conference is sponsored by six Research Committees of the International Political Science Association which work on different aspect of public policy, and by the Public Policy sections of the European Consortium for Political Research and the American Political Science Association. During this conference, opportunities will be provided for both junior and senior researchers from a variety of disciplines to present and discuss new research, theoretical, conceptual and methodological insights and empirical findings through a system of panels and workshops. The programme will also involve conference speakers and plenary discussions.
With this note we issue the conference general call for papers with a deadline of 1st Febuary 2013.
We would like invite you to propose a paper for this conference to one of our 80 panels (titles, abstracts and contacts of the call for papers for each panel can be found  on our website at 
In order to propose a paper, please send an abstract of your proposal (300 words max.) directly to the chair of the panels
Paper proposers will be notified of the acceptance of their proposal by the panel chair before March 1st.
Please note that the conference is panel-based and all paper proposers are encouraged to locate the most appropriate panel for their work and submit their abstract there. However in cases where a paper may not fit into any panel the proposal should be submitted to the "Open Panel" by sending it directly to the conference organizers at