Call for Papers for the 2025 IPSA World Congress Now Open!

The Call for Papers for the 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science, to be held in Seoul, from 12-16 July 2025, is now open!

The 2025 IPSA World Congress will have a diverse program under the theme Autocratization in Polarized Societies. Paper and closed panel proposals on any political science-related subject are welcome.

More than 300 open panels are awaiting your paper abstracts. Select the ones best related to your research. Note that you can still submit closed panel proposals until 5 November 2024. 

Submission of Proposals

Anyone can submit a proposal. An IPSA online account (free) is required to submit a proposal. While IPSA membership is not required for submission, it is mandatory for participation and registration for the IPSA World Congress. For more information, please visit the IPSA Individual membership page.

Researchers are invited to submit a paper proposal to a relevant track, or to a specific open panel within a track. The three track groups are:

  • Research Committee (RC) Tracks;
  • General (GL) Tracks;
  • Local Organizing Committee (LOC) Tracks.
View All Program Tracks

Submission Deadline: 5 November 2024

All paper and panel proposals must be submitted online via the Congress website.

No emails, PDFs or Word documents will be accepted as submissions.

Submit a Paper
Submit a Closed Panel

Call for Papers: 10 September - 5 November


Paper Submission Guidelines and Rules


Paper proposals may be submitted to one track, or to an open panel within a track. Papers for closed panels must be submitted using the specific link provided in the invitation from a panel convenor.

Call for Closed Panels: 10 July - 5 November


Panel Submission Guidelines and Rules


Panel proposals may be submitted in up to two (2) tracks. To submit a closed panel proposal, you are responsible for recruiting four (4) to six (6) paper presenters, a chair, and a discussant.


All proposal submissions must be in English or French with the exception of the LOC panels which may be submitted in Korean. Presentations are held in-person in either of IPSA's official languages (English and French) or in Korean (for LOC panels). However, to promote greater inclusivity and enrich academic discussions, IPSA introduced a new policy for the World Congress that allows participants in closed panels only to present in another language, provided that all panel members agree. Note that only one other language should be used in the closed panel and not multiple languages.



The 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science will be a fully in-person event. This decision by the IPSA Executive Committee aims to maximize the benefits of in-person interactions, essential for networking and collaboration. Participants can engage more fully in sessions, workshops, and presentations, facilitating dynamic discussions and enhancing the learning experience.

For more information about the 2025 IPSA World Congress, visit The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section may provide answers to some of your concerns.

For more information about IPSA, visit

If you have questions, please contact us at