Call for papers for Panels on 'Reforming the United Nations', Section 'International Relations'

6th ECPR Graduate Student Conference
University of Tartu  | Tartu, Estonia
10 - 13 July 2016

Deadline for abstract submission: January 10, 2016

  • On the panel:

Structural deficits of the United Nations and its key bodies have been addressed on multiple occasions since the Organization's creation in 1945. Since then, the UN has been the target of various reform proposals - by its own organs, UN regional groups, blocs of member states as well as other (non-related) both intergovernmental and supranational institutions. A substantial share of the international community of states is certain about the necessity for reforming the UN system and its key organs. A lack of transparency, of representativeness and of efficiency in decision-making are among the critique made the most often – next to an excessive bureaucracy, the incapacity to act according to the Organization's own Charter and a strong political dependency on the main budgetary contributors. The exclusive veto powers allocated to the UN Security Council's five permanent members (the P5), the veto's repeated misuse and individual actors' interests and preferences have been preventing any comprehensive reform of the Organization as much as of its key bodies, till date.
These panels shall address the questions, critique, arguments and solutions made in the contemporary debate on the United Nations reform. Located at the intersection of international relations, international institutions and security studies, the panel is designed to feature research from graduate students on all related issues.

  • Special regard is paid - but not exclusively, to:

• the organisational structure, funding, decision-making processes and governance of the UN
• the UN membership, UN regional groups and informal formations within or related to the UN
• the UN's main organs including the UN Security Council (UNSC), the UN General Assembly (UNGA), the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the UN Secretariat, the UN Trusteeship Council and the International Court of Justic (ICJ)
• reform movements, summits, agendas, negotiations and proposals made since the Organization's foundation
These issues can be approached from various perspectives as well as different subfields of political science. We welcome contributions from disciplines such as comparative politics, international relations, political theory, political economy, peace and conflict studies, war studies, public policy and public administration, as well as political psychology and behavior studies, political sociology, (international) law, and others.
Panel Chair: Philipp Aepler, University of St Andrews
Panel Co-chair: Thomas Linders, Radboud University Nijmegen
Discussant: Reint-Jan Groot Nuelend, Uppsala University
Guideline for abstract submissions:
• submit a .doc, .docx. or .odt file (no .pdf) including a) your name and email address, b) the name of the co-author and her/his email address (optional), c) the paper title (no longer than 20 words), d) 3-8 keywords, e) the abstract of your paper (no longer than 400 words) to:
• deadline for abstract submission: January 10, 2016
• questions and inquiries related to your abstract submission to:
Please note:
• No funding is provided for panelists from the side of the panel chair, co-chair or discussant, but funding can be applied for with ECPR (between February 22 and April 4, 2016, via your MyECPR account) here:
• all travel and accommodation arrangements are to be made individually, please find detailed Information and tips here:
• Registration will be available at MyECPR ( from March 9 till April 20, 2016; please note that you must be registered by that date (requires payment), otherwise your paper will be withdrewn from the programme
• Accepted papers may be uploaded to the ECPR website via MyECPR from May 4, 2016. Please note, only the person listed as presenter can upload the paper. Papers should be uploaded in .pdf format, in English. There are no specific requirements other than these
• Panels are scheduled in seven time slots commencing 11.30, Monday, July 11, 2016, and closing at 18.00 on Wednesday, July 13, 2016. All participants should ensure their availability for all seven time slots. Please check travel times before making travel arrangements, as it may be necessary for you to arrive the day before your Panel session
• The Conference is open to graduate students only: those who are studying for a Master’s or a PhD, or who hold junior postdoctoral positions.
• Please note all visas are the responsibility of the individual participant. Visa letters will only be supplied once the registration fee has been received in full by ECPR
• Please contact the ECPR Graduate Student Conference Events Team with questions about any aspect of the Graduate Student Conference. The ECPR website will be updated regularly with information about the academic and social programmes, registration, hotel accommodation, etc. There will also be regular announcements in ECPR e-bulletins. Participants should ensure they are subscribed to the ‘Conferences and Events’ mailing list via MyECPR. Email the organisers at:
Find all information also here:

The IAPSS Media Team

International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS)
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