Call for papers: Communication, Democracy and Digital Technology

Rovinj, Croatia

2 October, 2015 - 3 October, 2015

The conference is organised by a committee formed from IPSA RC10 (Electronic Democracy), RC22 (Political Communication) and RC34 (Quality of Democracy). The conference is going to take place in cooperation with the Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb.

The conference theme focuses on the intersection between the work of three strands of political science, all of which ask questions of vital importance for the well-being of democracy globally. These questions revolve around measures, standards and analyses of the quality of democracy, the role of political communication in enhancing democracy and the extent that information and communication technology offers potential for a richer, interactive and co-created politics.

Without imposing any normative ontologies onto the discussion we enquire how communicative acts, particularly but not exclusively those which take place using digital technologies, contribute positively or negatively to the quality of the democratic experience for citizens and to sustaining active democracies.

  • Key dates and deadlines:

20 January 2015: Submission deadline

1 March 2015: Notification of acceptance

1 June 2015: Booking and registration deadline

1 September 2015: Full paper submission

Organising committee: (

Oscar G. Luengo, Associate Professor in Political Science, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, University of Granada;

Darren G. Lilleker, Associate Professor in Political Communication, Bournemouth Media School, Bournemouth University;

José Álvaro Moisés,  Professor of Political Science, University of São Paulo;

Marianne Kneuer, Head of Department of Political Science, Director Institute of Social Sciences, University of Hildesheim;

Norbert Kersting, Professor for Local and Regional Politics at the Department of Political Science, University Münster;

Domagoj Bebić, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb;

Marijana Grbeša, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb;