Call for Papers: AFSP July 2017 Conference in Montpellier

(application deadline: 15 October 2016, abstracts to be sent directly to the panel convenors).
Please pay particular attention to the ST66 panel which is really about new forms of diplomacy in the Mediterranean:
ST 66. Nouvelles diplomaties et résolution de conflit en Méditerranée New forms of diplomacy and conflict resolution in the Mediterranean
Responsables scientifiques/Panel convenors:
Fréderic Charillon (École de Droit de Clermont-Ferrand, Université d'Auvergne)
Stelios Stavridis (ARAID, Unité de recherche «études européennes et internationales», Université de Saragosse) dr.stelios.stavridis@gmail
Congress website:
Please do bear in mind the deadlines and also all the other requirements for participation (registration, paper deadline, etc.).
We are also planning a publication later on.
With many thanks and best wishes,
Stelios Stavridis
Investigador Senior ARAID, Grupo de Investigación "Estudios Europeos e Internacionales", Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Zaragoza