Call for papers / full panels Latin American & Caribbean Politics Section

5th Graduate Student Conference (ECPR)

Se encuentra abierta la convocatoria de ponencias y paneles para la V Conferencia de Estudiantes Graduados del ECPR. La conferencia se celebrará en la Universidad de Innsbruck entre el 3-5 julio 2014. La convocatoria estará abierta hasta el 20 de enero de 2014.

Este congreso es únicamente para estudiantes a nivel graduado (master y doctorado) y jóvenes investigadores (postdocs).


Latin American & Caribbean Politics
While various regions of the world have been facing economic and political crises over the last years, the Latin American region has experienced a period of economic growth, social development and political stability. According to the ECLAC (2013) the region has seen significant changes in terms of external integration and macroeconomic regimes, which are reflected in sounder public finances, lower inflation and unemployment, as well as in progress against poverty and in income distribution.

Despite this general trend, the region exhibits great diversity and heterogeneity of realities. Political and economic ideologies sponsored among the region vary considerably in comparison to three decades ago. Different supranational organizations (ALBA, UNASUR, IMF, World Bank, CELAC, and The Pacific Alliance, among others) promote distinctive political, economic and social approaches.

This Section of the Standing Group on Latin American Politics calls for papers that address these contrasts and help us explain the diverging pathways within the region. We encourage comparative analyses and case studies focusing on political institutions, social movements, political economy, public policy, and international relations. We welcome both theoretical and empirical papers.

Endorsed by Standing Group: Latin American Politics

How to submit a panel/paper proposal to the Latin American & Caribbean Politics Section?

1. Login to your MyECPR account

2. Propose a Panel including 3 – 5 Papers here OR

Propose an individual Paper to a particular Section here

3. Select the Section Area Studies-Latin America and complete the required information (title, abstract, keywords)

The deadline for Panel or Paper proposals is 20 January 2014.

Further information is detailed in the Guidelines, and further information about the role of the Panel Chair and Discussant can be found here.

Find a Friend
If you have an idea for a Panel, but don’t have any/enough Papers to submit it (you need 3-5 Papers in each Panel), contact Anna Foley ( with your Panel title and she will add it to a list that on the GSN website here:

Funding for ECPR Full members

Funding opportunities up to €250 is available towards the cost of the conference to individuals affiliated with full ECPR member institutions (subject to meeting the required criteria). The funding application process will open next year and details will be available on the website in due course in the Membership section.

The format of the conference

The academic programme covers all the main areas of political science, political theory, international relations and European studies. Each Panel will include 3 – 5 Papers to be presented and discussed. Attendees can present and discuss their work or simply observe and become involved in other elements of the programme.

Individuals may perform each conference function once within the academic programme e.g. Section Chair, Panel Chair, Discussant and Paper Giver. They may submit more than one Paper but may only present one. If more than one Paper is accepted you must find Paper Presenters for your additional Papers.

Please note that the Graduate Student Conference is only open to graduate students who are studying for a Master's degree, a PhD, or who hold junior postdoctoral positions.

For any other questions, please contact Gibrán Cruz-Martínez at and/or Vladimir Alvarado Acuña at