Call for Panels Now Open / L’Appel à propositions de panels est maintenant ouvert - Lisbon 2020
Dear colleagues and officers of national associations,
The International Political Science Association (IPSA) will hold its 26th World Congress in Lisbon (Portugal) under the theme “New Nationalisms in an Open World” from July 25 to 29, 2020. We, therefore, invite you to share your research on issues to which political science can bring important insights.
To make this 26th IPSA World Congress a success, it would be greatly appreciated if you would forward the following Call for Proposals to your members, post it on your association’s website and social media accounts. Your help, as well as your members’ participation, will surely contribute to making the our World Congress a reference point in the field of political science, as well as promoting, in a global perspective, the research of your members.
Call for Panels Now Open!
The Call for Panels for the next IPSA World Congress of Political Science, to be held in Lisbon (Portugal), 25-29 July 2020, is now open! Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to present your work to peers, learn from others and meet political scientists from around the world.
The theme of the 2020 edition is “New Nationalisms in an Open World.” Proposals for panels and papers on any subject within political science are welcome. The Congress Theme will be featured in specially organized topical sessions and events.
Please visit the website to submit your panel proposals (open and closed), for details on the Congress, important deadlines and submission guidelines.
Please note that the Call for Papers will open on August 7, 2019. Currently, paper proposals may be submitted to closed panels only, by invitation from the panel convenor.
Panel and Paper Submissions
Anyone can submit a panel proposal for a panel or paper. Proposers do not need to be a member of IPSA. If you do not currently hold an IPSA account, you will be asked to create one before submitting your panel or paper proposal.
Submit a Panel
Deadline for OPEN panels: 10 July 2019
Deadline for CLOSED panels: 10 October 2019
Submit a Paper
Call for Papers Opens 7 August 2019
Deadline for Paper proposals: 10 October 2019
For more information about the 26th IPSA World Congress, visit
For more information about IPSA, visit
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