Call for Applications for the establishment of Student Research Committees of the International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS)

The International Association for Political Science Students is launching a call for applications for the establishment of student research committees.

A research committee is an organizational structure aiming at deeper study of a specific subfield in a broader science or field of study. The IAPSS Student Research Committees aim to mirror the research committees of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and will cover various sub-fields within political science, ranging from methodological SRCs to Human Rights, Political Philosophy, Gender Studies, Comparative Politics, Electoral Systems, Elites Theory, etc. 

Every IAPSS SRC is composed of three members at minimum, including an SRC Chairperson. The objectives and main activities of an IAPSS SRC are

  • to create personal contacts among political science students
  • to pursue research in the selected subfield of political science leading to collaboration on academic publications;
  • to establish SRC panels at IAPSS events and other international conferences;
  •  to publish a series of articles in IAPSS publications

All individual members of IAPSS can spontaneously propose a SRC according to their interests on a certain subfield of study and apply for the SRC establishment at
In January 2015, IAPSS proposes six SRCs for which individual members can apply. Those SRCs being:

  1. SRC on Comparative Politics;
  2. SRC on European Politics;
  3. SRC on Security Studies
  4. SRC on Gender Studies;
  5. SRC on IR Theory;
  6. SRC on Human Rights;

The members of the Student Research Committees work on a voluntary base. Furthermore, occupying the position implies that you are a member of IAPSS at the moment of your instalment. If you are not already a member, you will be required to apply for membership in case of acceptance.
For more information on the work of IAPSS SRCs, please, see the Manual at:
If you would like to apply, please send your name and CV alongside the name of the SRC you’d like to join, a short letter in which you present your academic interests and background to 
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of further questions or inquiries.

Our mailing address is:


Thomas van Aquinostraat 5.0.03, Nijmegen-Midden, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Nijmegen, GE 6500HK. Netherlands