Call for Abstracts 4rth International Seminar Migrations and Agriculture (Madrid 26-27 January 2017)

Dear friends and colleagues,

Please find attached a call for abstracts for an International Seminar which will be organized at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) the 26-27 January 2017.

The seminar, titled “4th International Seminar on Migrations, Agriculture and Food Sustainability: Dynamics, Challenges and Perspectives in the Global Context” is the continuation of the ones already done in Bergamo 2013, Murcia 2014 and Athens 2015.

The objectives of this fourth event will be to follow up with the discussions that took place in the previous events and extend them to other researchers from different geographical areas. As well, a second goal of the Seminar will be to take advantage of the presence of researchers from different countries to discuss the EU directives on Seasonal Work and Posted Workers, currently under revision. We will identify and discuss the most problematic aspects in both Directives, at the light of past and current fieldwork experiences and summarize the content and conclusions drawn from this debate to make recommendations to the EU Commission, in accordance with the objectives of the EU TEMPER Project (

The deadline for max. 500 word abstracts is 2nd December 2016 (addressed to and notification of acceptance will be on 16th December 2016.  Please share it with whoever can be interested in participating and please let me know if you need any clarification.

Best Regards,

Yoan Molinero Gerbeau (CSIC) and Gennaro Avallone (University of Salerno)

Call for abstracts