Call - Marie Curie Actions—Networks for Initial Training (throughout Europe)
Deadline extended to: 21 December 2013
Funding scheme
Marie Curie Actions—Networks for Initial Training (ITN)
Call (part) identifier FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2012 Project number 317321
Changing Employment
Call for 12 Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers (ESR) and Experienced Researchers (ER) in Changing Employment (48 months), a Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded by the European Commission (and subject to final approval by the Commission) Coordinated by University of Strathclyde-Glasgow.
Interviews January 2013 at host institution. Start date March 2013.
FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network announces 12 Doctoral (Early Stage Researcher) and 3 Post Doctoral (Experienced Researcher) training positions in ‘ChangingEmployment’ in Europe. Doctoral and Post Doctoral projects will be located in one of the following themes (Work packages in ChangingEmployment):
Theme 1: Management and Employees
Theme 2: Inclusion and Exclusion
Theme 3: Employee Wellbeing and Work Life Quality
This exciting new international comparative European Initial Training Network (ITN) of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and Experienced Researchers (ERs) preparing for doctoral and post doctoral research is amongst a small number of multi disciplinary social science programmes to be awarded funding in the current Marie Curie awards under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7). The ITN, co-ordinated by the University of Strathclyde-Glasgow, has successfully obtained 4,060,000 Euros to support the network bringing together new and recent post graduate researchers working on an international post graduate research programme supervised by internationally renowned senior academics. The other Full Partners are: CEU Budapest; LUB Brussels; University of Evry-Paris; University of Gothenburg; K U Leuven; London Metropolitan University; University of Oviedo; University of Wroclaw; ETUI-Brussels; Consultingeuropa-Brussels. The programme will feature attendance at both twice yearly seminars at participating European partner universities and institutions, participation at regular theme seminars, and an annual network colloquium. The ESRs and ERs will participate in one of the three above-referenced themes, working with other Fellows across the 48 months of the programme. This is a distinctive opportunity to participate in, and develop within, a highly imaginative international social science training network, developing research practice and state of the art engagement with global practitioners in private and public sector institutions and trade unions.
Full Partners are based in the United Kingdom (University of Strathclyde-Glasgow; London Metropolitan University), Belgium (ETUI; ULB-Brussels University; K.U.Leuven, Consultingeuropa), France (University D’ Evry-Paris), Hungary (CEU-Budapest), Poland (University of Wroclaw), Spain (University of Oviedo), Sweden (University of Gothenburg). Associate Partners of the ITN include EDF (France), Edrington (UK), ILO (Geneva), Neuroedukacja (Poland), Volvo (Sweden), UNISON (UK).
Please note that applicants should indicate their preferred ESR/ER project, but may apply to more than one project. They may also be considered for any of the other projects within the ITN. To obtain further project information, prospective candidates should contact the relevant ESR/ER supervisor by email. Supervisor email addresses are posted below with each ESR/ER project. In addition to the requirements of the European Commission and Changing Employment Network listed below, each of the university partners has distinctive requirements which must be fulfilled. On contacting ESR/ER supervisors, each applicant will receive information regarding university application procedures.
Applicants will also be sent a copy of the ‘ChangingEmployment’ programme. The completed application should be sent to the relevant ESR/ER project supervisor and to Professor Paul Stewart, Changing Employment
Programme Co-ordinator:
(Early Stage Researchers) Doctoral projects (see end of document for more details) 2 Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (PhD enrolment) “Pathways to citizenship (inclusion) and conflict (exclusion): employment relations in migrant workers’ workplaces in Belfast, Edinburgh and Wroclaw” (Theme 2) contact Professor Paul Stewart:
“Examination of the changing nature of employment regimes on employees in the supply chain in the services sector”(Theme 3) contact: Dr Kirsty Newsome:
1 Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at the University of Goteborg (PhD enrolment) contact: Tommy Isidorsson
“Flexicurity and work organisation” (Theme 3)
1 Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at the University of Brussels (ULB) (PhD enrolment) - contact: Pierre Desmarez:
“Social partners as managers of organizational change” (Theme 1)
2 Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers at the University of Evry-Paris (PhD enrolment) “Impact of new management practices upon representations of work and social behaviour of Employees” (Theme 1) - contact Professor Stephen Bouquin:
“Work rationalisation and intellectual work of engineers in high performance work organisations” (Theme 3) contact Professor Jean-Pierre Durand:
1 Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at CEU Budapest (PhD enrolment)
contact – Professor Zentai:
“The nature of new management paradigms and the process of adoption-adaptation” (Theme 1)
1 Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at the University of Oviedo (PhD enrolment)
contact Professor Holm-Detlev Köhler:
“Employment relations as multi-level bargaining arenas in transformation” (Theme
1 Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at the University of Wroclaw (PhD enrolment)
contact Dr Adam Mrozowicki:
“Return migrants inclusion and employment: the case of return migration from the UK to Poland” (Theme 2)
2 Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers at London Metropolitan University (PhD enrolment)
“Migration aspirations and realities: the experiences of Polish migrants in the UK and the role of trade unions” (Theme 2)
contact Professor Sonia McKay:
“Life on the Margins – the social implications of precarious work specifically in relation to young minority ethnic workers” (Theme 2)
contact Dr Leroi Henry: l henry londonmet ac k
1 Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at the K. U. Leuven (PhD enrolment)
contact Professor Valeria Pulignano:
“Workforce diversity in MNCs and union strategies of inclusion: A comparative study in Europe”(Theme 2)
(Experienced Researchers) Post Doctoral projects (further details of Post Doc 2 and 3 will be advertised in Spring and Autumn 2013)
1 Marie Curie Experienced Researcher at University of Evry (Theme 1) starts March 2013 for 20 months
contact Professor Stephen Bouquin:
“Social dialogue as multi-level governance in times of change: employer and employee experiences”
1 Marie Curie Experienced Researcher at University of Strathclyde (Theme 2) Start date January 2014 for 24 months
contact Professor Paul Stewart:
“Inclusion, exclusion and precarious employment in Europe: the story so far from the UK, Belgium, France and Poland”
1 Marie Curie Experienced Researcher at University of Goteborg (Theme 3) Start date January 2015 for 21 months
“Work-life quality and the flexicurity of employment in multinational companies: a comparative company-based approach in Europe”
Changing Employment
Europe is today facing several major social and economic challenges. These go beyond the future of the euro and the instability of the financial system to some of the underlying issues concerned with the work and employment that underpin the European economy. How can Europe retain manufacturing and production as restructuring and relocation towards lower-wage costs economies gathers pace? As demographic change lifts the proportions of older workers in society and in employment, how can Europe both maintain decent levels of pensions and provide decent jobs for younger workers? As cross-border migration becomes ever easier how can migrant workers be fully integrated and accepted into the European labour market? How can aspirations for decent jobs be squared with the nearly pan-European progression of precario s work? E rope’s f t re depends in large part on the answers it can provide to these questions within the context of the vision of an innovative economy bolstered by a high road social model that was captured in the Europe 2020 strategy. The aim of the ChangingEmployment ITN doctoral and post doctoral programme is to train a cross-European and interdisciplinary network of policy-focused social scientists comprehensively skilled in understanding, analyzing, and responding to social and institutional employment changes.
Overall, it will:
1. Explore societal differences and national variations in employees’ experiences of working life.
2. Examine historic and changing relations between management and employees.
3. Develop a comparative understanding of the changing quality of work, organisation and employment in the context of the (above) changes.
4. Consider patterns and consequences of workplace inclusion-exclusion in relation to migration, employment and unemployment, shifting inequalities in terms of gender and ethnicity and the implications for older employees of new patterns of work and retirement.
5. Assess impact of the current economic retrenchment on these forms of employment in Europe.
Job description
In accordance with the goals of the ITN, successful ESR applicants will be admitted to the doctoral programme of the selected University. During the period of their appointment, successful applicants will pursue research in one of the three thematic work packages. ESRs will be hosted by one of the Full Partner Universities and in some instances will spend part of their time with another university partner (see Fellows Individual Research Projects). The supervision of a number of ESRs will be jointly undertaken by two of the university partners. All ESRs will undertake secondments with the ITN’s commercial or trade union partners following a core feature of their research agenda. These secondments are scheduled in accordance with a Personal Career Development Plan to be developed by the successful applicant in close coordination with his/her supervisor and the Programme Coordinator at the outset of his/her appointment. For an overview of the Fellows Individual Research Projects please see the end of the document.
Successful ERs will have a range of responsibilities and expectations which will vary according to post (see below and respective contact supervisor for further details). The position requires academic, project management and mentor skills which will be developed in the course of the appointment and under the supervision of the mentor. Tenure varies according to Post Doctoral Project agenda.
Living and Mobility Allowances
Living and Mobility Allowances vary according to the country where the appointing institution is located, reflecting differences in living expenses.
They are calculated by means of the application of country-specific correction coefficients to standard allowances across all countries, as specified in the FP7 People Work Programme. They are subject to the compulsory reductions (taxation, social charges) of the countries concerned.
Annual Living Allowances:
Early-stage researchers 38,000 Euros, with country coefficient adjustment Experienced researchers (< 10 years experience) 58,500 Euros, with country coefficient adjustment Experienced researchers (>10 years experience) 87,500 Euros, with country coefficient adjustment Monthly Living Allowance: 700 Euros for researchers without a family and 1000 Euros for researchers with a family.
Researchers also have access to training monies for eligible activities in the project, to be determined and agreed in advance under the direction of the relevant supervisor, management supervisory board and coordinator.
Eligibility requirements
Early stage researcher: means a researcher who, at the time of recruitment by the beneficiary, has not yet been awarded the doctorate degree and is in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of his/her research career.
Experienced researcher: means a researcher who, at the time of recruitment by the beneficiary, is: 1) in possession of a doctoral degree, independently of the time taken to acquire it, or has at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience and 2) has less than five years of full-time equivalent research experience.
Candidates can only apply for a position in a country in which they have not been domiciled for more than 12 months in the previous three years prior to appointment. In addition, to qualify for the post, at the time of appointment, ESR applicants must:
Have less than the equivalent of 4-years full-time research experience since gaining the University degree which would entitle them to embark on doctoral studies in the country in which the degree was received Experienced Researchers (ER) will have a PhD in a social science discipline and can only apply for a position in a country in which they have not been domiciled for more than 12 months in the previous three years prior to appointment.
Consortium members are bound by the equal opportunity policies of their respective institutions.
Language Requirements
Candidates for both ESR and ER positions, in addition to excellent written and spoken English must have, or be prepared to partake of, language training in the language commensurate with that of their destined host university.
Mobility requirements
At the time of appointment, the researcher may not have resided or carried out his/her main activity in the country of the appointing institution for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her appointment. Short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
Fellows Individual Research Projects
Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher-ESR1)
Université libre de Bruxelles (Host institution), University of Oviedo, European
Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Duration 36 months.
Project title: Social partners as managers of organizational change. (Work package Theme 1 Management and Employees).
Supervisor: Prof. Pierre Desmarez. PhD Enrolment Université libre de Bruxelles Objectives: (1) to take a cross-national comparative perspective of the global, national and local dynamics of social and institutional governance of the employer-employee relationship in the context of economic crisis and restructuring of firms; (2) to focus on the institutional and juridical processes at European Union level and the way trade unions face changes in working and employment conditions, especially at the local level; (3) to compare employment relations, collective bargaining and trade union strategies in the two countries. At end of first six months completion of personal development plan.
Planned secondment:
Fellow to work:- for 3 months at ETUI to gather data on the European Social Dialogue, European Works Councils and Framework Agreements and to access key European labour union experts;- for at least 3 months at University of Oviedo.
At Oviedo, the fellow will have access to the legacy of the RECWOWE network which will facilitate access to empirical data.
Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher-ESR2)
University of Oviedo (Host institution), Universite Libre de Bruxelles, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI. Duration 36 months.
Project title: Employment relations as multi-level bargaining arenas in transformation (Work package Theme 1 Management and Employees)
Supervisor: Prof. Holm-Detlev Köhler. PhD Enrolment University of Oviedo
Objectives: (1) To develop an analytical/conceptual framework for the analysis of transnational bargaining and dialogue processes; (2) to elaborate a methodological framework for selected transnational case studies of MNCs concerning transnational representation and bargaining involving international union federations and works councils; (3) to conduct empirical case studies on transnational bargaining in three MNCs and two industrial sectors. At end of first six months completion of personal development plan.
Planned secondment: Fellow to work for 3 months at ETUI in Brussels to gather European comparative data on European Social Dialogue in MNCs and industries and access key European labour union experts.
Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher-ESR3)
Central European University (CEU) Budapest (Host institution), planned secondment EDF, Paris. Duration 36 months.
Project title: The nature of new management paradigms and the process of adoption-adaptation (Work package Theme 1 Management and Employees) Supervisor: Prof. Violetta Zentai; co-supervisor: Prof. Stephen Bouquin (Evry) PhD enrolment
Completion of coursework and comprehensive examination after Year 1 of the doctoral studies program and participation in Network events. At end of first six months completion of personal development plan; 3 months between Month 20-32: 2-way exchange to Evry in Year 2; secondment to EDF, fieldwork and data access; Month 36: produce advanced draft of the doctoral thesis Planned secondment: EDF – Industrial Risk Management, Paris; data collection (3 months, Month 20-32).
Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher-ESR4)
University of Evry (Host institution), secondment Consultineuropa. Duration 36 months.
Project title: Impact of new management practices upon representations of work and social behaviour of employees (Work package Theme 1 Management and Employees)
Supervisor: Prof Stephen Bouquin. PhD enrolment Université D’Evry Objectives and programme Develop conceptual framework to make a proper inventory of employee relations and HRM practices in MNC’s. Fieldwork linked to project focussed upon impact assessment of these HRM practices, changing employee relations and the views of employees and their work orientations. At end of first six months completion of personal development plan. Produce tentative research report from the ESR4 project to be the basis for a PhD thesis.
Planned secondment: Consultingeuropa Brussels, 6 months fieldwork inside MNC and firms linked to value chains.
Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher-ESR5)
Londonmet University, Working Lives Research Institute (Host institution), European Trade Union Institute (ETUI). Duration 36 months. PhD enrolment: London Met.
Project title: Migration aspirations and realities: the experiences of Polish migrants in the UK and the role of trade unions (Work Package 2 Inclusion and Exclusion )
Supervisors: Prof. Sonia McKay, co-supervisors: Dr Cilla Ross, LondonMet, and Dr Adam Mrozowicki University of Wroclaw
To take a cross national perspective on migrant aspirations and experiences in the UK and the role trade unions take in facilitating that experience. At end of first six months completion of personal development plan.
Planned secondment: Fellow to work for 3 months at ETUI in Brussels to gather European comparative data on migration and work place organising and access key European labour union experts. Fellow to work 3 months at Unison and one other trade union. Fellow to spend two periods in Wroclaw.
Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher-ESR6)
University of Strathclyde (Host institution), European Trade Union Institute (ETUI).
Duration 36 months. PhD enrolment Strathclyde University.
Project title: Pathways to citizenship (inclusion) and conflict (exclusion): employment relations in migrant workers’ workplaces in Belfast, Edinburgh and Wroclaw (Work Package 2 Inclusion and Exclusion)
Supervisor: Prof. Paul Stewart. PhD Enrolment University of Strathclyde
Objectives: To take a cross-national comparative perspective of migration in settled communities and local employment in UK and Poland and to assess impact of migration on migrants’ employment. To compare employment relations and migrant organising strategies in these countries. At end of first six months completion of personal development plan.
Planned secondment: Fellow to work for 3 months at ETUI in Brussels to gather European comparative data on migration and work place organising and access key European labour union experts.
Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher-ESR7)
Catholic University of Leuven (Host institution), Consultingeuropa. Duration 36 months.
Project title: Workforce diversity policies and practices (flexibility-security) in multinational companies (MNCs) and union strategies of inclusion: a comparative study of employment practices and policies on diversity in multinational’s subsidiaries in Belgium, United Kingdom and France (Work Package 2 Inclusion and Exclusion)
Supervisor: Prof. Valeria Pulignano, PhD Enrolment Catholic University of Leuven
Objectives: (1) To provide cross-national comparative research in order to examine both the transfer of MNCs policies and practices (i.e. flexibility-security) to workforce diversity in multinationals’ s bsidiaries in Belgi m, United Kingdom and France and their explanatory forces (MNCs) (2) to compare trade union strategies to workforce diversity in Belgium, United Kingdom and France. At end of first six months completion of personal development plan.
Planned secondment: Fellow to work for 6 months at Consultingeuropa in France to gather empirical data on MNC flexibility and security practices and MNC policy Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher – ESR8)
University of Wrocław (Host institution), European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)
Duration 36 months
Project title: Return migrants inclusion and employment: the case of return migration from the UK to Poland (Work Package 2 Inclusion & Exclusion)
Supervisor: dr hab. Iwona Taranowicz, co-supervisor: dr Adam Mrozowicki. PhD
Enrolment University of Wrocław
Objectives: To examine social inclusion and consequences of migration on those who return from the UK to Poland including the institutional and social policy impacts. To develop conceptual framework to explore return migration in the context of main theoretical approaches in comparative labour sociology. To elaborate methodological framework and collect empirical data (migrant workers in the UK/Glasgow, secondary data and expert interviews /Brussels, UK, biographical interviews-Poland) in light of labour market and European social models analysis. At end of first six months completion of personal development plan.
Planned secondment: Fellow to work for 3 months at ETUI in Brussels to gather comparative data on the European trade union responses to migration and return migration of East European employees
Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher-ESR9)
Londonmet University, Working Lives Research Institute (Host institution)
Duration 36 months.
Project title: Life on the Margins – the social implications of precarious work specifically in relation to young minority ethnic workers (Work Package 2 Inclusion and Exclusion)
Supervisors: Dr Leroi Henry, Co-supervisors: Prof. Steve Jefferys (LondonMet) and Prof. Holm-Detlev Kohler (University of Oviedo); PhD enrolment:Londonmet
To take a cross-national perspective on the social implications of precarious work on the lives of young minority ethnic workers. At end of first six months completion of personal development plan. Undertaking advanced research methods training. Produce literature review and develop conceptual and methodological frameworks, Spanish language familiarisation (visit to Oviedo). 4 months fieldwork aimed at capturing issues of precarious working among UK ethnic minority workers; 2 months writing up initial fieldwork; Further 6 month secondment to Oviedo to undergo intensive Spanish language course and to conduct Spanish fieldwork. Return to LondonMet to complete write up and analysis of Spanish fieldwork; Complete UK fieldwork. Time spent with UK trade union. Produce tentative research report from the doctoral project as basis for PhD thesis.
Planned secondment:
University of Oviedo, period with UK Trade Union
Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher ESR 10)
University of Gothenburg, Department of Sociology and Work Science Duration 36-48 months.
Project title: Flexicurity, temporary agency work & organisational prerequisites and consequences: an international perspective (Work Package 3 Employee Well Being and Work Life Quality)
Supervisors: Associate professor Tommy Isidorsson and Kristina Håkansson. PhD Enrolment University of Gothenburg
Objectives: The scientific objective of this theme is to examine the impact of contemporary forms of work and employment flexibility (‘flexic rity’ or ‘precario sness’) on the q ality of working life. Workplace surveys and interviews will be conducted with different employee categories. This will be supplemented by analysis of national agency employment data vis a vis national and international rise in agency work and its impact on notions of workplace and employment security-insecurity. At end of first six months completion of personal development plan.
Planned secondment: Fellow to do field work at Associated partner Volvo, at Volvo Borås Sweden, Volvo Ghent Belgium, and Volvo Wroclaw Poland respectively, with the aim to collect data (surveys and interviews). This will be combined with mobility to Leuven and Wroclaw for a total period up to 5 months.
Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher – ESR 11)
University of Strathclyde (Host Institution) Edrington Group
Duration 36 Months
Project title: Examination of the changing nature of employment regimes on employees in the supply chain (Work Package 3 Employee Well Being and Work Life Quality)
Supervisor name: Dr Kirsty Newsome; co-supervisor Prof Dora Scholarios.
Objectives: (1) to explore the impact of workplace restructuring and rationalisation on Quality of Working Life (QWL). (2)To examine changing nature of workplace regimes across supply chains in respect of debate concerning QWL Europe. (3) To develop comparative project on QWL and labour rationalisation in conjunction with ESR12 (Evry France). At end of first six months completion of personal development plan.
Planned secondment: Fellow to work for 2 months at Edrington Group to gather fieldwork, training and access for data on changing workplace regimes and supply chain management, policies, practices qua management-worker perceptions.
Marie Curie Fellow (PhD/Early Stage Researcher-ESR12)
University of Evry (Host institution), EDF secondment
Duration 36 months.
Project title: Work rationalisation and intellectual work of engineers in high performance work organisations
Supervisor: Prof Stephen Bouquin. PhD enrolment Université D’Evry
Objectives: Develop conceptual framework about work rationalisation of qualified sectors of labour force (including comparing diachronically and synchronically).
Fieldwork with case studies of these HRM practices, in collaboration with EDF. At end of first six months completion of personal development plan. Produce a tentative research report from the project to be the basis for PhD thesis.
Planned secondment: Budapest, 6 months fieldwork at EDF subsidiary and subcontractors.
Marie Curie Fellow (Experienced Researcher-ER 1)
Université D’Evry (Host institution)
Duration 20 months.
Mentor-Supervisor: Professor Stephen Bouquin.
Project title: Social dialogue as multi-level governance in times of change: employer and employee experiences (links to Work Package 1, Work Package 5, Work Package 10, Work Package 11
Objectives: Monitoring and coordination of ESR project under Theme 1. Follow-up, support and organisation of communication flow between Theme 1 ESRs. Work on development and assist management of ChangingEmployment website with Strathclyde and Gothenburg . Assist coordination of Theme 2 and Theme3.
Co-operate closely with consultingeuropa and EDF. Agenda preparation for milestone meetings for duration of ER1. Organisation of first annual colloquium and training event (Network school) as well as preparation of milestone meetings. Preparation edition of a book Month 3-23 Monitoring and support for article drafts by ESR
Marie Curie Fellow (Experienced Researcher-ER
University of Strathclyde-Glasgow (Host institution)
Duration 24 months.
Mentor-Supervisor: Professor Paul Stewart.
Project title: Inclusion, exclusion and precarious employment in Europe: the story so far from the UK, Belgium, France and Poland Objectives: To take co-responsibility for the project management of Theme 2 ESRs under guidance of Strathclyde. Collect material for presentation of comparative overview of relationship between precarious employment and patterns and processes of inclusion and exclusion in defined countries in collaboration with mentor-supervisor. To assist in the management and maintenance of the ChangingEmployment website links to Evry (ER1) and Gothenburg (ER3). To be involved in the preparation and assistance with organisation of Annual Colloquia Yr3 in Strathclyde. Work with ILO and ETUI on labour issues regarding migration mentored by lead partner mentor.
Marie Curie Fellow (Experienced Researcher-ER 3)
University of Gothenburg (Host institution)
Duration 21 months.
Mentor-Supervisor: Professor Kristina Håkansson
Project title: Work-life quality and the flexicurity of employment in multinational companies: a comparative company-based approach in Europe.
Objectives: To take co-responsibility for the project management of Theme 3, and co-supervision of ESRs. Collect information for a cross-country overview of how flexicurity arrangements, especially for agency workers relate to national contexts. To assist in the management and maintenance of the ChangingEmployment website: to assist in organisation of Annual Colloquia in Strathclyde and Brussels: supervision of two student examination papers: participation in seminars at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg: assisting professors at the department of Sociology and Work Science, Gothenburg University to organise and complete research proposals.