Call - Lectureship in Statistics (Lancaster Univ)

Deadline: 15 April 2013

Lectureship in Statistics

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Lancaster University, UK

Salary: £32,267 to £44,607

Closing Date: Monday 15 April 2013

Interview Date: Thursday 2 May 2013

Reference:  A647

This new post, commencing 1 September 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter, is part of a continuing expansion of the Department which led to six new academic ppointments during 2012. In addition to this Lectureship, two further new Chairs in Statistics and Pure Mathematics and a Lecturer in Analysis are being sought for 2013.  Over the last five years, the Department has seen an increase in undergraduate numbers of over 80% and in research student numbers of over 40%.  The University is committed to continuing this expansion.

Lancaster University has one of the largest and strongest statistics research groups in the UK comprising 21 academic staff, 9 research associates and 32 FTE research students. In the 2008 RAE, 60% of Lancaster’s Statistics and OR outputs were graded as 3* or 4*. 

The statistics group takes a leading role in the development of statistical methodology such as Markov chain Monte Carlo, particle filtering, extreme value theory, wavelets, the analysis of longitudinal and spatial data and mixture modelling.  Application interests include medicine, industry and the social sciences. The Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research Unit collaborates with the pharmaceutical industry and is part of the MRC-funded North West Hub for Trial Methodology Research with the Universities of Liverpool and Bangor.

With researchers in the Faculty of Health and Medicine, the Department plays a leading role in developing and applying methods of spatial epidemiology.  In collaboration with the Department of Management Science, we host STOR-i, one of only three EPSRC-funded Doctoral Training Centres in the Mathematical Sciences.

The STOR-iDTC funds at least 10 PhD students each year within Statistics and Operational Research, and has a strong emphasis on collaborative research with manufacturing, energy and financial companies. The wavelets research group also has strong industrial links that have led to the funding of two Research Associates.

The Department is part of the ESRC-funded North West Doctoral Training Centre for Social Science together with other departments at Lancaster and the Universities of Liverpool and Manchester, and is involved in applying statistics to criminology, forensic science and health.

You may have research interests in any area of statistics, but a clearly demonstrated potential of attracting research funding and research studentships is required.

Appointments that strengthen our existing statistics research groups or lead to the establishment of similar groups with other methodological interests or to collaborations in other application areas are sought.

We also seek people who will be capable and enthusiastic contributors to the Department’s undergraduate programme, helping to deliver the existing syllabus and to expand the range of modules offered.

Further teaching opportunities exist on our thriving MSc course in Statistics, MSc programmes in Quantitative Methods and Quantitative Finance, on courses in statistics for other departments and on short specialist courses in advanced statistical methods, some of which attract participants from throughout the UK and Europe.

The Department provides a statistics advisory service for all researchers on campus, and engages in consulting with industry and public bodies.

Informal enquiries can be made to: Professor John Whitehead,

General information about the Department can be found at:

To apply online, go to