Barcelona Workshop on Global Governance

The Public and the Private in Global Governance

15-16 January 2015, Barcelona (IBEI and ESADEgeo)

Call for papers

The Barcelona Workshop on Global Governance is a venue for the study of global governance – its structure, effects, and problems – from an interdisciplinary perspective, bringing together scholarship from international relations, law, sociology, anthropology, political theory, public administration and history. Its 3rd edition will be held on 15 & 16 January 2015 in Barcelona.

Confirmed practitioner speakers include Narcis Serra (former Spanish Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister) and Javier Solana (former NATO Secretary General and EU High Representative for Common and Foreign Security Policy). Confirmed academic keynote speakers include Andrew Hurrell (University of Oxford) and Jonas Tallberg (Stockholm University). The workshop is organized by ESADEgeo (ESADE Business School’s Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics) and IBEI (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals).

We invite abstract proposals from interested scholars from all disciplines. Proposals should not exceed 500 words in length. Preferred format for all submissions is PDF. Please send your proposal as an attachment to and insert “Submission: Barcelona Workshop on Global Governance” as the subject line of the message. The deadline for abstracts is 29 September 2014. All proposals will undergo peer review and notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 22 October 2014. Full papers are expected to be delivered by 8 January 2014 for circulation among participants.

  • Key information

Send submissions: “Subject: Barcelona Workshop on Global Governance”

Deadlines: 29 September, 2014

Notifications of acceptance: 22 October, 2014

  • Organizing committe

Xavier Fernández i Marín, ESADEgeo

Jacint Jordana, IBEI

Nico Krisch, IBEI

Ángel Saz Carranza, ESADEgeo
