Appels à projets Marie Curie du 7ème PCRD

Les appels à propositions IEF (Intra-European Fellowships), IOF (International Outgoing Fellowships) et IIF (International Incoming Fellowships) ont été publiés le 14 mars 2013.

Les actions IEF

financent la mobilité intra-européenne des chercheurs ;

Les actions IIF financement la mobilité entrante;

et les actions IOF financent la mobilité sortante.

Plus d'information, consulter:

Marie Curie Actions

Intra-European Fellowships for career development (IEF)

Marie Curie Actions fellowships: illustration image: globe in hands © European Union

Are you an experienced researcher looking for a postdoctoral fellowship? Submit your grant application for the IEF scheme and gain the opportunity to acquire new research skills or to work in other sectors. The fellowship is designed for researchers willing to develop their career in Europe outside their home


Applying for an IEF is a good move to broaden your horizons and improve your career prospects.

Who Can Apply?

Researchers based in EU Member States or Associated Countries can apply for an IEF. You must have either a doctoral degree or at least 4 years’ full-time research experience, after obtaining a degree  prmitting you to embark on a doctorate. Generally, you must carry out the project on the premises of a host organisation in an EU or Associated Country other than your own. Special consideration is also given to those returning to a research career after a break.

Which Topics Can Be Funded?

IEF proposals are welcomed from all areas of scientific and technological research. But there is one exception: research areas covered by the EURATOM

Treaty cannot be funded.

What Does the Funding Cover?

IEF funding is provided for advanced training. This may include the acquisition of new and/or complementary skills, and transnational mobility. The training is based on a personal career development programme agreed between the researcher and the supervisor at the host organisation. Financial support is provided for a period of 12-24 months (full-time equivalent), for individual projects presented by  eperienced researchers from Member States or Associated Countries in liaison with a host organisation from a Member State or Associated Country.

The types of training might include:

 Training-through-research under supervision, through an individual personalised project

 Hands-on training to develop your scientific skills (new techniques or instruments, etc.) and your complementary skills (proposal preparation to request funding, patent applications, project management, tasks coordination, technical staff supervision, etc.)

 Itersectoral or interdisciplinary knowledge transfer

The capacity to build collaborations

Active scientific and financial management of your research project

Developing organisational skills through organisation of training or dissemination events.

Who Decides?

IF proposals are selected in an open competition. Selection is through transparent, independent peer review, based on excellence using a series of pre-determined criteria.

How Do We Apply?

Proposals are submitted in reply to a call for proposals. Calls can be found and proposals submitted through the Participant portal. You can find a list of open Marie Curie Actions calls and useful advice under "Apply now" section of this website.

People Work programme 2013pdf(346 KB) Choose translations of the previous link

Guide for applicants (common part)pdf(99 KB) Choose translations of the previous link

Guide for applicants - IEFpdf(3 MB) Choose translations of the previous link