8th International Conference on Transatlantic Studies


The Consortium for Transatlantic Studies and Scholarship (CTSS) and the Instituto Franklin-UAH will hold the 8th edition of this conference where specialists, academics, and young researchers from a variety of disciplines in either the Humanities or the Social Sciences (such as Politics, International Relations, Justice Studies, History, Legal Studies, International Organizations, Area Studies, and Sociology) are invited to discuss on the nature and evolution of Democracy and Electoral Systems from a transatlantic perspective.

Accepted proposals will be included in the following topics:

  1. Electoral Systems and their impacts.
  2. Political Communication and Electoral Campaigns.
  3. Globalization and Democracy.
  4. Transnational and Supranational Democratic Practices:
  5. Democratic Issues, Democratic Potential and Democracy Revitalization.
  6. Human Rights and Democratic Values.

Constitutionalism and Democracy.

Useful Information for Participants

Paper Proposal Submission: Papers should consist of a title and an abstract of 250-300 words and a brief biography (100-150 words) in English or in Spanish. Panel proposals consisting of three lectures related to the same topic are also welcome. They should be sent through the form available on the conference website before April 17, 2015.

Lectures: The lectures will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute discussion. They will be organized in panels consisting of three papers. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance and participation. 

Publication: After the conference, the organizing committee will announce the Call for Articles based on the papers. These articles will be evaluated by an Editorial Committee. The selection of articles will be published in paper format.