8th Annual IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science

January 23-February 10, 2017

University of São Paulo, Brazil

Founded in 2010, the IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science seeks to provide scholars of the social sciences with access to high-quality, cutting edge, advanced training in qualitative and quantitative social science methods. 

The 8th IPSA-USP Summer School schedule is partitioned into three one-week sessions. The curriculum includes special information sessions that provide practical training on specific skills and seminars that provide participants with opportunities to examine the impact of various methodologies on specific substantive issues.

  • Module 1 (January 23-27) (35 hours)     

Basics of Causal Case Study Methods

Building Parametric Statistical Models

Designing Feasible Research Projects in Political Science

Essentials of Applied Data Analysis

Methods and Problems in Political Philosophy

Modeling Dynamics

  • Module 2 (January 30- February 3 - 35 hours)    

Advances in Modeling Dynamics

Basics of Multi-Method Research: Integrating Case Studies and Regression

Basics of Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Analysis

Basics of Set-Theoretic Methods and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

Basics of Spatial Interdependence in Theory and Practice

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

The Philosophy of Science: Positivism and Beyond

Using Case-Based Methods in Practice

  • Module 3 (February 6-10- 35 hours)

Advanced Issues in Multi-Method Research: Integrating Case Studies and Contemporary Methods for Causal Inference

Advanced Issues in Set-Theoretic Methods and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

Advanced Issues in Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Analysis

Analyzing Grouped Data: Multi-level Models

Essentials of Multiple Regression Analysis

Modeling Dynamics in Space and Time

Predicting Elections

The IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science and International Relations is delighted to count on a great team of faculty joining us in 2017 including:

Guy Whitten (Texas A&M)

Bruno Cautres (Science Po)

Patrick Thadeus Jackson (American University) 

Carsten Schneider (Central European University)

Derek Beach (University of Aarhus)

Randy Stevenson (Rice University)

Jason Seawright (Northwestern University)

Laron Williams (University of Missouri)

Herlinde Pauer-Studer (University of Vienna)

Allyson Benton (CIDE)

Lorena Barberia (USP)

Glauco Peres da Silva (USP)

Leonardo Barone (USP)

Cliff Young (IPSOS)

Daniela Schettini (USP) 

Andrew Phillips (Texas A&M)

For more information on the School´s courses and instructors, financial aid, registration fees, and more, visit our website (http://summerschool.fflch.usp.br) or contact us at summeripsa@usp.br.

The IPSA-USP Summer School has been made possible with the generous financial support of the Department of Political Science, the Institute of International Relations, the School of Philosophy, Letters and the Humanities (FFLCH), and the Provost’s Office for Research at the University of São Paulo. We are also grateful for the valuable support provided by BNDES, FAPESP, CAPES and CNPq. Together, these public sector research funding institutions have been long-time supporters of the Summer School and invaluable to its success. The Summer School is also supported by the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) and the Center for Comparative and International Studies (NECI) at the University of São Paulo. 

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ipsamethodssummerschoolbrazil

Lorena Barberia

Department of Political Science

University of São Paulo

Tel: +55.11.3091-3780 (Department)

Tel: +55.11.3091-0324 (Office)


"Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science, IPSA-USP Summer School 2017, January 23-February 10,2017." University of São Paulo, Brazil. http://summerschool.fflch.usp.br