5th European Conference on African Studies
Call for Papersis now open.
5th European Conference on African Studies
Lisbon, June 2013 26 to 28
We encourage you to submit your paper proposal for Panel “Compared Political Systems of Sub-Saharan Africa. Endogenous and Exogenous Factors in the Construction of Political Frameworks”.
Deadline for proposal submissions: January 16, 2013.
Proposal should consist of a:
- Paper title
- Short abstract (300 characters maximum)
- Long abstract (250 words maximum)
- Audio-visual requirements for your presentation
Panel language: English.
Presentation via web: [link] Please do not send any proposal by email.
Notification of acceptance: January 26, 2013.
Registration opens: February 27, 2013.
Information about the Panel: Compared Political Systems of Sub-Saharan Africa
In the political development process of African States several factors have got involved and have conditioned their political systems. Among them we cannot ignore the exogenous factors relevance, as an intervening variable in the process. The presences of various colonial actors or international agencies have influenced, greater or lesser extent, institutional and political construction of political systems in the area. Often importing Western formulas, which, at least apparently, have a difficult fit in the African realities. It is for this reason that these States have undergone, at the process of its construction, to friction between these external factors and also endogenous, which describe the reality of each country and needed to participate in the process of the political system construction. This imperfect relationship between factors has led to the establishment and development of specific political systems in the Sub-Saharan region.
The political system’s classical studies, their typologies and features, have overlooked in the Sub-Saharan African’s cases. Perhaps because of the African State interpretations focus on neopatrimonialism, the hybrid structures, the weakness of the African State and the conception of the African State as non-African entity. A common analytical effort in the social sciences derives the discussion on issues such as good governance or African States’ dependence on global political system.
This panel aims to study African Political Systems and their different categories or aspects from comparative and analytical perspectives, well Sub-Saharan area compared cases, either through the comparison of Sub-Saharan cases with other outside the region.
Information about the 5th European Conference on African Studies
The 5th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS 2013) will take place at the ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal, from 26 to 28 June 2013. It will be organized by Centro de Estudos Africanos - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Centre for African Studies, Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL)) on behalf of AEGIS, the Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies. Its general theme will be African dynamics in a multipolar world.ECAS 2013 will be open to scholars from all over the world and the call for panels is open to disciplines and methodological approaches representing the Social Sciences and Humanities