4th International and 22nd National Congress of Electoral Studies
The Mexican Society of Electoral Studies and the School of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico with the support of the United Nations Development Program, the Federal Electoral Institute, the Electoral Court of the Federal Judiciary, the Electoral Institute of the Federal District, and the Electoral Court of the Federal District, invite researchers, academic scholars, election officials, members of political parties and citizenship to participate in the
The Paths of Democracy and Elections in the 21st Century.
Mexico City, Mexico, from August 30-31 to September 1-3, 2011.
The 21st century has presented diverse social transformations such as the claims of the vulnerable groups, of environmental policies, of the political actors, thereby creating new forms of political participation and socialization among emerging groups like youth or groups of different social identities.
Given the demands of these new actors, there is a need to reflect on the paths that the political democracy is taking in the world and in Mexico, going deeper in the discussion on the new forms of participation in elections, either using electronic tools, innovative procedures or facing the dilemma of the social conflicts, considering an additional area of multidisciplinary topics that link elections, parties, citizens, government and public institutions with transparency, auditing, public information and the protection of personal identity.
To bring out analysis, discussion and diffusion of scientific and academic points of view about the recent development of the elections, the electoral systems and the quality of democracy in countries and regions of de word; as well as their social, political, cultural, economic and legal contexts
The papers submitted must provide critical and analytical elements of the development of the electoral processes; of the life of political parties and the electoral behavior of citizens; of the analysis of electoral laws and proposals for reform; of the use of opinion polls in the creation of election forecasts; of the civil participation, and any other related matters, which will make the 4th International and 22nd National Congressof Electoral Studies the space for reflection about the new directions of elections, democracy, citizenship and parties, in the contemporary world and Mexico.
Profile of participants:
In any of the categories, the following can participate: social researchers (political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, lawyers, historians, psychologists), political leaders (of political parties and associations), opinion leaders (journalists, analysts), election and government officials, students and others interested in the topics of the Conference.
Theme areas and coordinators:
National and sub-national elections and democratization
Martha Singer S. (UNAM)
Political parties. Internal processes and the new programmatic trends.
Francisco Reveles V. (UNAM) frevelesv@hotmail.com
Electoral systems and the quality of democracy
Luz María Cruz P. (UNAM)
Surveys, public opinion and electoral behavior
Luis Miguel Rionda R. (UG) riondal@quijote.ugto.mx
Political marketing and electoral campaigns
Arminda Balbuena C.(IFE)
Legislative branch and partisan agendas
Luisa Béjar A. (UNAM)
Electoral justice
Aide Macedo B. (TEDF)
Gender and partisan equity
Rosalba Vera N. (UAEM) rosvera@hotmail.com
Transparency, financing and auditing in the electoral processes
Víctor Alejandro Espinoza V. (COLEF)
Electoral laws and codes. Designs and consequences
Pablo Javier Becerra Ch. (UAM-I)
Remote voting. Comparative experiences
Juan Reyes del Campillo L. (UAM-X) juancampillo@prodigy.net.mx
Electoral geography
Silvia Gómez Tagle L. (COLMEX) sgomeztagle@gmail.com
Citizen participation and direct democracy
Gustavo Anzaldo H. (IEDF)
Electoral conflicts and political violence
Ernesto Hernández N. (UAS)
Electoral administration and governance. Comparative experiences
Leticia Santín del R. (PNUD)
Political culture and partisan identities
Jaime Castillo P. (BUAP)
Parties and party systems
Igor Vivero A. (UAEM)
Particular session chairs in any of the theme areas may be submitted. The proposals must be registered by contacting with the topic coordinator (prior notice to SOMEE). The registration must include the general objective of the chair, names of all the participants and the abstracts of the papers.
Modalities of participation:
- Attendees:Applications for registration will be received until July 31st, 2011, via email: somee@somee.org.mx
- Paper-presenters:due date for registration is June 30th, 2011. All those interested must send to the topic coordinator and to SOMEE (resumen-somee@somee.org.mx) the abstract of their paper, maximum one page. The abstract must include the name of the speaker, the title of the paper, its objectives, methodology and its contributions. Registration is done through the form available on the website of SOMEE (www.somee.org.mx).
Important dates
On July 10th, 2011, acceptance to the Congress will be notified via email.
Due date for registration payment in any of its modalities is July 31st, 2011. The complete papers must be sent by email to the topic coordinator and the SOMEE (ponencia-extensa@somee.org.mx) by August 10th, 2011.
Payments are made directly to the HSBC Bank account number: 4039670633, under the name of Sociedad Mexicana de Estudios Electorales, A.C. The deposit slips will be exchanged for a receipt the day of registration.
All those interested in participate and that demonstrate membership/affiliation to any of the co-organizing institution will get a 50% discount on their fee.
These fees give the right to receive the conference material, ID, CD with the complete papers, the Revista Mexicana de Estudios Electorales, certificate of participation, right to participate in all the academic and extra-academic events of the Congress.
An invitation is extended to all the researchers and institutions that have recent publications, to exhibit them during the Congress (in the space provided for the sale of books and magazines). In case of being interested, send an email to some@somee.org.mx in order to reserve a space.
The 4th International and 22nd National Congress of Electoral Studies will be held in the facilities of the Palacio de Mineríaof the UNAM, located in the Historic Center of Mexico City, located on the streets of Tacuba and Eje Central.
Phone Number: +52 (55) 5130-5300.
Recommended accommodation:
Hilton Centro Histórico.
Av. Juárez 70, Col. Centro, Ciudad de México. Phone number: +52 (55) 5130-5300.
Fiesta Inn Centro.
Av. Juárez 76, Col. Centro; Ciudad de México. Phone number: + 52 (55) 5130-2900.
Holiday Inn Zócalo.
Av. Cinco de Mayo 61, Col. Centro, Ciudad de México. Phone Number: +52 (55) 5130-5130.
For more information, please visit SOMEE website: www.somee.org.mx
Or in Facebook: Facebook.com/EstudiosElectorales
Email to send abstracts: resumen-somee@somee.org.mx
Email to send complete papers: ponencia-extensa@somee.org.mx