4th ECPR Standing Group Summer School on Interest Groups Call for Applications

Interest groups and agenda setting in multilevel systems of governance


Caelesta Braun (Vu University Amsterdam)

Laura Chaqués-Bonafont (University of Barcelona and IBEI) 

Heike Klüver (University of Konstanz)

Barcelona, July 3 – 10

The 4th ECPR Summer School on interest group politics offers a mix of courses on interest groups and agenda setting in multilevel governance systems. The goal is to provide graduate students firm knowledge about how interest organizations mobilize to foster policy change in a tremendously complex and multilayered political environment. Students are furthermore trained in methodological approaches necessary for the analysis of framing and mobilization strategies.

Students will be in contact with internationally renowned scholars that will not only offer high-quality lectures, but also provide specific advice about individual PhD projects as students have the opportunity to present a research paper during the summer school. The best paper will receive a special award.

Faculty staff includes:

Jan Beyers (University of Antwerp)

Caelesta Braun (Vu University Amsterdam) 

Laura Chaqués-Bonafont (IBEI and University of Barcelona)

Andreas Dür (University of Salzburg)

 Rainer Eising (University of Bochum) 

Heike Klüver (University of Konstanz)  William Maloney (Newcastle University)

Gemma Mateo (University of Salzburg) 

Anne Rasmussen (University of Leiden) 

Anke Tresch (Université de Genève) 

Registration is open from 22nd February until 31st May on a first come first serve basis. Further information can be found here.