24th IPSA World Congress of Political Science Brings 2800 Political Scientists to Poznań (Poland)

“Politics in a World of Inequality”

The 24th World Congress of Political Science, organized by the International Political Science Association (IPSA) will take place in Poznań (Poland) between July 23 and 28, 2016 at the Poznań Congress Center and Adam Mickiewicz University. The Congress, chaired by Professor Dianne Pinderhughes and Professor Marian Sawer, will bring together 2,800 political scientists and scholars from 99 countries to discuss the theme of the Congress, Politics in a World of Inequality – a central topic in today’s politics.

“At the IPSA World Congress, our participants’ first order of business will be to better understand our rapidly changing world and above all explore the new forms of inequity emerging in the early blush of the 21st century. In order to do so, the ‘new’ political scientist must be a sociologist, anthropologist, mathematician and diplomat at one and the same time. Multidisciplinary is the watchword, therefore” says Guy Lachapelle, Secretary General of IPSA and Professor of Political Science at Concordia University.

Numerous topics will be addressed at the 24th IPSA World Congress, including

  • The EU and the Challenges of Brexit
  • The Mediterranean Migration Crisis
  • Violence against Women in Politics
  • The Bargaining Power of the Global South
  • Gender, Race and Human Trafficking
  • The US Presidential Campaign
  • International Trade Negotiations and Agreements
  • Regional approaches to money in politics
  • Human Rights and Cyberspace

Plenary speakers include prominent international figures:

Numerous special sessions and activities will take place during the Congress:

Abdessattar Ben Moussa, a  member of the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet (the Recipient of the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize) will share his experiences during a special session, titled Transition et Dialogue national en Tunisie (Transition and National Dialogue in Tunisia).

Organized by the Polish Political Science Association, the Roundtable: Academic Freedom - Prospects and Limits  will focus on the vital topic of Academic Freedom and its limits.

A special panel, The Community of Political Science in Russia: 60 Years of Development (1955-2015), will be dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the formation of the political science community in Russia.

The Roundtable: The Future of Political Science: IPSA Past Presidents Look Over the Evolution of our Discipline will gather IPSA Past Presidents who will reflect on the purpose of studying politics, as well as its challenges.

Juan Linz Award Winner (2014), Brendan O'Leary, will address the Kurdish question in his prize lecture Federalism and Kurdish Questions in Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran.

Karl Deutsch Award Winner (2016), Rein Taagepera, will challenge participants with his Science Walks on Two Legs, but Social Sciences Try to Hop on One.

In addition to the opening and closing ceremonies, GRAMMY® Winning pianist Angelin Chang will perform a piano concert on July 27, on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of Research Committee 18 on Asian and Pacific Studies. The concert will be held at the Neo-Renaissance Concert Hall (Aula) of the Adam Mickiewicz University, known for its excellent acoustics.

For more information on the event and the program:

Congress Schedule: https://wc2016.ipsa.org/events/congress/wc2016/schedule

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For all media requests:

Haluk DAG
International Political Science Association

Tel:  +1 (514) 848 8748

email: haluk.dag@ipsa.org